Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hard Miles

Hey guys,  I am stilling running :) currently, at the hardest part of the training.  Every run moving forward will consitst of a Half a Marathon. Today's goal was a 14 Miles run. Had lots of Facebook family cheering me on.  " Thanks Guys"!  The run was great, the Chicago humidity Suxs!  Got a serious calf cramp at 13.4 Miles into my goal. well almost reached the goal.  I made a sudden rush for the cold water of Lake Michigan  it was needed! But i did make it past my Frist Half Marathon! OH YEA!

Ice water after a long run is perfect. It takes away the inflammation and relaxes the muscles. You do not seem to wake up as sore. Chicago Lake Michigan water if everyone can remember is a tub of ice. After every run I walk into the lake deep enough to reach my waist (which is not much since I am short) and standing/squat/ walk a bit for at least 20/30 minutes.  The water is ice cold it’s so cold it burns a bit but after 10 minutes it starts to feels warm.   I start to go deeper to reach colder water.  Try it after a run its great. Ok guys until the next run.


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