Monday, March 12, 2012

Thanks to Physcial Therapy

A few months after my marathon I was doing a run and I was almost mugged.  As funny as that sounds it was actually a very scary experience.  I was not hurt by the crazy psycho guy, but I did hurt myself running away.   I understand now, that my body was messing up little by little during these last few years of running after I had my back surgery.   But that run and the mugger was the icing on the cake.   That day did not end well. I limped back to my car with pain in my right leg.   Since the pain was so uncomfortable, I took a few weeks off and then attempted to begin running again. But, after about an eighth of a mile the pain was unbearable, even walking or going up stairs was hard and uncomfortable.   So, after an emergency room hospital visit it was determined that I had a stress fracture in my foot.   No more running per doctors’ orders! And he was dead serious.  The worst part was using crutches; it pulled my back out and created a titled pelvis.   Holy Cow was I broken. 

After months with the Chiropractor, I was finally approved to do physical therapy.   As most of you know I have been doing the physical therapy to correct my hip, pelvis and lower back.   Thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to meet a very good Physical Therapist.  His name is Howie Manuel, he’s from Hawaii.  I love Hawaii, and his parents are Philippino.  Howie is a very friendly and informative person and a runner too! Oh yea!  He understands patients like me, as he says I still have that runner mentality, meaning he gives me an inch and I want to run 3 miles.   Not a good thing.  Anyway he has been great with therapy, and showing me the correct exercises and adjustments, plus, of course he’s heavy handy.  I have been able to keep my spine straight and aligned, and so, I feel normal again.  It’s weird how humans work; when in pain we adapt and keep going causing our bodies to get worse.   The problem is, however, as a younger person you can just snap back from an injury, BUT, as an older person you eventually break down. 

After Howie was able to get me pain free, he started to correct my running technique, teaching me how to run differently so I would not keep hurting my back and everything else on my body.  He introduced me to the Metronome.  If you would like to understand how this works please read my previous article " TIC TIC TOC".   Today Howie gave me a test.  I needed to run 2 miles and at a certain pace.   I was right on target and you could not hear my feet banging on the treadmill.    At one point he turned the Metronome off and I stayed on beat for a few more minutes before I lost my rhythm.    Once he turned it back on I was on beat again.   This means my training to the beat of the metronome is working!   He says this is normal for two weeks of training.   The great thing is I feel no pain and I will be able to run this year’s Chicago Marathon again. 

I am so happy and thankful to Howie for all his help and patience.   I will continue my therapy and my running.  When I cross this year’s finish line I will be thinking and thanking Howie!


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